Campaign Manager - Creative Builder

Shared Elements

Shared Elements allows you to view shared variables, events and Look-Up tables that are in use across multiple creatives.

Click the relevant tab to view a list of the shared elements.

To edit Elements, click the Edit button within the relevant tab if available for the selected Element.


Shared variables are user created variables that can be used across all creatives. Deleting a shared variable is undertaken at creative level, and as a result removes the Variable from that creative only. Shared variables work as follows:

When a shared variable is imported into a creative a copy of the original is made.

If a second creative imports the same shared variable a copy of the original is made in that creative as well. The original shared variable is used as a prototype for copies. The prototype is changed whenever one of the copies is changed, but changes to the copies will not affect other copies. Therefore If the first copy is edited the original variable also changes, but not any of the other copies.


Shared events are user created events that can be tracked across all creatives.

Note: Any edits to a shared event will affect all creatives that use them

Deleting a shared event is undertaken at creative level, and as a result removes the event from that creative only.

Look-up tables

Shared Look-Up Tables are look-up tables that can be used across all creatives.

Note: Any edits to a shared Look-Up Table will affect all creatives that use them.

Deleting a shared Look-Up Table is undertaken at creative level, and as a result removes the Look-Up Table from that creative only.


See page on Preferences

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